Articles available for free download:
“I’m Smart, So I Should Be Able to Overpower ADHD. Right?”
Females with ADHD: Can we increase diagnostic accuracy by shifting our
      conceptual model?
What the ADHD Brain Wants - and Why
The Secret Lives of Girls with ADHD
Reframing: The Key to ADHD Success
Toward an Understanding of the ADHD-Trauma Connection
Aun Ahora Sabemos Muy Poco de las Ninas con TDAH

Read any of Dr. Littman's ADDitude articles here.  Dr. Littman is a member of ADDitude's ADHD Specialist Panel.

Littman, E., Dean, J. M., Wagenberg, B., & Wasserstein, J. (2021). ADHD in Females Across the Lifespan and the Role of Estrogen. The ADHD Report, 29(5), 1-8.

Littman, E. (2020).  How to Make Friends as an Adult:  A Guide for Women with ADHD.  ADDitude, Spring issue.

Littman, E. (2019). Why Are We Under-Treating Girls With ADHD: Five Facts Clinicians and Parents Should Know – and Often Miss – in Order to Optimize Treatment. ADDitude, Summer issue.
Littman, E. (2019). ADHD and High IQ. Available at
Foreword for: A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD: Embrace Neurodiversity, Live Boldly, and Break Through Barriers by Sari Solden and Michelle Frank, 2019.
Littman, E. (2018). Females with ADHD: Can we increase diagnostic accuracy by shifting our conceptual model? Available at
Afterword for revised edition of Attention Deficit Disorder: A Different Perception by Thom Hartmann, 2018.

Littman, E. (2018). When Women Battle ADHD and Borderline Personality Disorder. ADDitude, 18(4), 56-59.

Littman, E. (2018). No More Suffering in Silence. ADDitude, 18(3), 52-55.

Nadeau, K., Littman, E., & Quinn, P. (2018). Flickor med ADHD, 2nd ed. (Understanding Girls with ADHD). Studentlitteratur AB: Lund, Sweden.

Littman, E. (2017). What the ADHD Brain Wants (and Why). ADDitude, 17(3), 38-41.

Littman, E. (2017). The Secret Lives of Girls with ADHD.  ADDISS ADHD News, 39, Autumn.

Nadeau, K., Littman, E., & Quinn, P. (2015). Understanding Girls with ADHD:  How They Feel and Why They Do What They Do, 2nd edition. Advantage Books: Silver Springs, MD. 

Littman, E. (2014). Women with ADHD. In The Hidden Side of Adult ADHD: Professional and Personal Perspectives (El lado oculto del TDAH en la edad adulta - Una propuesta inclusiva desde lo profesional y la experiencia).   Ediciones Aljibe, Malaga, Spain.

Littman, E. (2013). Girls with ADHD Face Unique Challenges. SmartKids with LD, 12, 2-3.

Littman, E. (2012). The Secret Lives of Girls with ADHD. Attention, 19(6), 18-20.

Littman, E. (2010). How Traumatized Children are Overlooked:  The Trauma/ADHD Differential Diagnosis. Presented at the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation 27th Annual Conference (ISSTD), Atlanta, GA.

Littman, E. (2009). Changing the View From Your Window: The Magic of Reframing.  Addvance, 11.

Littman, E. (2007). Increasing the Odds of Success for Children with ADHD. Smart Kids with LD, 6, 1-2.

Littman, E. (2006). Aun Ahora Sabemos Muy Poco de las Ninas con TDAH.  Revista Adana News, 11, 4-5.

Littman, E. (2003). Alternative Therapies for the Treatment of AD/HD. In National Clinical Nursing Manual, Western Schools, SC Publishing: S. Easton, MA.

Littman, E. (2002). Depression in Women with ADHD.  In Understanding Women with ADHD, eds. K. Nadeau & P. Quinn, Advantage Books: Silver Springs, MD.

Littman, E. (2002). Gender Differences in ADHD:  Sociocultural Forces. In Gender Issues and ADHD, eds. K. Nadeau & P. Quinn, Advantage Books: Silver Springs, MD.

Littman, E (2002). Gender Differences in ADHD. SmartKids with LD, 2.

Littman, E. (2001). Understanding Girls with ADHD.  ADDvance, 3.

Littman, E. (2000). We Understand Far Too Little About Girls with ADHD.  ADDvance, 3, 17-21.

Littman, E. (1999). Are Girls with ADHD Being Underdiagnosed?  Clinical Psychiatry News, December, 16.

Nadeau, K., Littman, E., & Quinn, P. (1999). Understanding Girls with AD/HD.  Advantage Books, Silver Spring, MD.

Littman, E. (1998). When Love Means Weathering the Storm: The ADD Experience of Intimacy. ADDvance, 1(4), 18-19.

Littman, E., Medalia, A., Senior, G., & Scheinberg, H. (1995). The Rate of Information Processing in Patients With Wilson's Disease. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 7(1), 68-71.

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